I was walking Oliver and these two little girls were looking at him and I told them that they could come pet him if they wanted so they started running over. When they got closer, they slowed down and one of the girls said, "your dog is mising a leg!" She wasn't being rude, she's inquisitive and curious and eight. So we talked about his story and both girls got really sad and turned very compassionate. They were standing and leaning over to pet him but now they were on their knees hugging him. They were saying phrases like, "you're okay now buddy" and "you're safe". They asked if it hurt him to remove his leg and if it cause him pain. We talked about cause and effect but I also reassured them that he was well taken care of and had medicine that made him not feel the procedure and that he received all the love afterwards. We talked about how he looks different but he runs and jumps and plays just like any other dog. We talked about how sometimes our classmaktes may look different but we don't their story and we don't know their trials. We went on to talk about what trials were. This whole time Oliver is licking them and loving all over them. He's nuzzling them and sitting in their laps. One of the girls said it was her birthday and asked if Oliver could come to her party. She said she wanted to teach her friends about Oliver and that just because he looks different doesn't mean he is different. I have never reached a kid on this level before...I'm wondering how that 20 mins with Oliver impacted those girls and shed light on their ability to love.

The first time I saw Big Booty Judy she had just been picked up by animal control in the middle of the desert. They posted a video of her on facebook and I KNEW from that moment she was mine. No doubts, no questions, she was meant to be with us. My husband however....he did not agree. lol. I'd been following posts about Judy on the Be Like Josh page so I could get my Judy fix. I'd contacted them about meeting her, and it just so happened they needed a foster for her for a weekend. She came to us for that weekend and never left! She has been such a blessing to our family! My husband who was adamant that we did NOT need another dog, has fallen in love with his "sweet pea". We recently moved from AZ to Colorado and Judy is loving her new life as a farm dog! She has met cows, chickens, goats, and horses, and I'm thinking she is curious what kind of dogs they are. lol. Judy is loving all the room to run and roll, and just be the goofball she is! Also, she thinks her grandma and grandpa have a VERY comfy couch that they allow her to snore on. We are so lucky that we've been trusted to care for such a perfect companion.

Chandler, Arizona
My husband is an animal lover and has always had a soft spot in his heart for animals. After being a foster for a different rescue, we had the opportunity to foster Marshall with the BLJF. When my husband was on his way home from the surrender pick up, he called me and said Marshall was pretty amazing and just may have to stay in our family if he gets along with our other dogs. My husband quickly renamed him Henry to go with the name theme of our other animals. I knew at that point it would be very hard to say goodbye. After spending a couple months in our house, we fell more in love with him. Henry was a foster fail. Kimberly and her team were awesome to work with during the foster period. They work very hard to make sure all dogs in their foundation have the necessary medical care and are fed the best food for their health. This sets them above many other animal rescues out there. We are so blessed to have fostered for the Be Like Josh Foudnation and even more so to have Henry a permanent part of our family.
~Katie Helle and Family

Welcoming Beaver into our family was one of the biggest joys of 2020. Being familiar with the work that the BLJF does in our community, I was grateful to be chosen to take one of their own. BLJ took Beaver off the street, took care of his every single (MANY) medical needs, and made sure he was goint to the best possible home for him. Having a *special* dog with extra needs has been such a blessing for us; although he is blind he is the most capable pup you could meet. Having Beaver taught us a lot about accommodating him into our life and how many dogs like Beaver are passed off due to their *special* nature. I will, WITHOUT a doubt, invite another animal with special needs into our home, and I would not have known that without the BLJ. The BLJ cares deeply about the animals in their care AND about advocacy for special needs pups. Thank you for letting us bring Beaver into our lives! HE IS THE BEST BOY!.

Mesa, Arizona
This past year we were lucky to be able to adopt a beautiful, snuggly, playful, intelligent and the silliest dog name Jessica from the Be Like Josh Foundation. Kimberly and the Be Like Josh team were very helpful and insightful to ensure we were fully vetted to ensure a successful adoption for not only our family but Jessica as well. The Be Like Josh Foundation also provided personal training sessions for our family and current dogs. This was so helpful in getting everyone acquainted and learning how to adapt to a new member of the family. Training is in fact more for the humans than the animals. We thoroughly enjoyed working with Kimberly and Be Like Josh, we would recommend them for anyone who is looking for their new best friend! Adopt!!!
~Lindsey & Dan

Maui, Hawaii
When Houdini was found on the side of the road on Maui, he could hardly stand or walk by himself. He flew to the Be Like Josh Foundation with the goal of diagnosis so his future adopter could give him the best possible care. We learned that Houdini has cerebellar hypoplasia, agenesis of the corpus callosum, hydrocephalus, and a smooth brain. As his former foster parents, we couldn't bear the thought of him going to anyone else, so we decided to adopt him. It was a long process to get Houdini back home to Maui, and BLJ took on a lot of extra responsibility from fostering to vaccinating to testing so Houdini could come home. Our dogs were not sure what to make of Houdini at first, but now he is part of the pack. They've even started engaging him in play recently! Houdini is a bit of legend in the neighborhood - they comment on how strong he's gotten and how happy he seems. Caring for Houdini isn't always easy, as his neurological impairments cause him to be unstable at times. Houdini definitely tries to communicate his needs, and we've learned his behaviors for when he's telling us needs to go out or he wants to be held or he needs a snack midday. Houdini is an overall happy boy, and anyone who is near him can't help but smile. He brings so much joy to this world!

Melissa [Melly]
Melissa was adopted through the BLJF and loves spending time with her family and living life to the fullest, including romps in the mud!

Ocean Shores, Washington
Our experience with the BLJF has been one we never expected and one we will cherish for the rest of our ives. Every member of Kaali's team was so open and transparent about her diagnosis and needs. We had constant contact with them all and happily received daily updates on our girl. The members of the BLJF are not just dedicated to their craft but also the most genuine people you would ever want in your corner.
~Kristen & Jen

Ottawa, Canada
There is a dog for every human. There is a human for every dog. Kimberly and the team at the Be Like Josh Foundation make that promise a reality with their approach to adoption. They deeply understand what every dog has to give and what every dog needs. They invest equal effort in learning the same about the humans who want to open their heart and home. I know because Kimberly did that for Bo and me. It was a more intensitve and intimate adoption process than my previous two. In a world that prioritizes speed and convenience the adoption took longer than expected. It was worth it. I went in with my eyes wide open. Ready for the good, for the joy, and for the challenges.
It has led Bo and me to a successful and sustainable adoption of each other. Simply put, we fit and thrive together.

Fostering for the Be Like Josh Foundation has been such an incredible and rewarding experience. The foundation made it so easy to foster, with their never-ending support, and constant willingness to want to help. Whenever we had an opportunity to foster for them, we always took it. Our last foster was Julia, who was sick and had a few tumors. The Be Like Josh Foundation went above and beyond to give this older lady a second chance, an opportunity at a forever home, and the chance to live out the remaining of her years as best as possible. After numerous surgeries and consistent vet visits, Julia was finally able to focus on recovery. It took months before we got the opportunity to see Julia feeling better, for her to realize that the worst had passed and it was now time to feel joy, to relax, and finally feel safe. The recuperation period for Julia was tough on everyone, especially her, but this amazing Foundation was with us every step of the way. Julia endured and went through so much, but she was so resilient, so strong throughout the entire process, and even though it was not easy, every day that went by we fell more and more in love with her. Once she finally recovered, we couldn’t hand her over to anyone else, even though we knew some amazing souls were waiting to give her an amazing life. After everything we all went through together, she needed to stay with us, she was already home. We became another “Foster Fail” victim and we’re so happy we did.
~Karla and Fabian

I have been involved with nonprofits in support of individuals with special needs. As a mom of a special needs child, I have used that knowledge to advocate for resources and inclusion. So when my daughter introduced me to Be Like Josh Foundation I was truly mesmerized by how this organization's mission and values were so aligned with mine but in the pet universe. Then Annabella the 6 month old bouncy ball of yorkie fluff was a feature adoption story. Annabella's story and abilities felt like a perfect compliment to my squad. I will admit, her abilities were more than I had experience with, so I questioned my own ability. Fear no more...members of the Be Like Josh Foundation were clear, informative, and extremely encouraging. The travel team that brought Annabella from Arizona to Ohio were superheroes. Every step of the way, the team kept me updated on Annabella! I felt surrounded by a community of care! Even as I faced complex neurological evaluations and wheelchair engineering, Be Like Josh was there for advice, tips and support. Truly Be Like Josh Foundation is a community of care with a huge heart. My family is blessed to have Annabella as a member of our squad and grateful to Be Like Josh Foundation for enriching our lives.
~Melanie and Family

Dexter [aka: Barry]
I didn’t know a piece of my heart was missing until I was asked to foster Barry for the Be Like Josh Foundation. They made the fostering process so easy and effortless that it made me wish I had a huge farm so I could help all the special fur babies. Thanks to the Be Like Josh Foundation, we adopted the missing piece to our family. Adopting through Kimberly and Jenny was such an amazing experience, and we are so thankful they helped us find our little floofer butt!

Billy is living the doodle dream lounging and getting pets from all the beachgoers. He is thriving with cerebellar hypoplasia in his forever home!